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Dale King


August 18, 2022

5 Special Operations Forces Truths, Dispatch 006

“Humans are more important than hardware"  - SOF Truth 

Dispatches from the Front 006:

"Peloton is cutting jobs, closing stores and hiking prices"

Remember two years ago when tech based at home fitness was the next wave? Apparently that wave has crashed as both Peloton and Soul Cycle are facing trouble. 

I'm all for any platform that gets people moving - but NOTHING can ever replace the connections that are forged inside a CrossFit gym. 

Time and time again we ask members what makes PSKC special and the consistent answer is "IT'S THE PEOPLE ". That relationship cannot be duplicated over a screen. As a matter of fact the hour at the gym might be one of the only hours when you're not attached to your device.

Seeing the trouble at home tech based fitness companies are facing reminded me of the 5 SOF (Special Operations Forces) Truths:

  1. Humans are more important than Hardware.
  2. Quality is better than Quantity.
  3. Special Operations Forces cannot be mass produced.
  4. Competent Special Operations Forces cannot be created after emergencies occur.
  5. Most Special Operations require non-SOF assistance

These truths have held in the military, small businesses, and running CrossFit gyms. 

Live your dream,


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