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Dale King


March 26, 2024

Raven Ruck

The Raven Ruck is an adventure event that covers water and land. Test your fitness and join us for an amphibious assault of Raven Rock on Saturday April 27th! This can be done for time, for weight, a solo event or simply to see if you can complete the task with your friends. 

Details: launch your watercraft in Kentucky (coordinates will be given at a later date) and head directly to a designated landing beach at Earl Thomas Conley Park. From there you will pick up on feet and run/walk/hike a little over 2 miles to the top of Raven Rock. You will then return to your watercraft and paddle back across the Ohio River to the launch point in Kentucky. 

Total Distance: approximately 5 miles including river crossing. 

Variations: River and non-river options, single and team options, weighted ruck and non-weight options. Team options are up to the team (both can kayak, one person can kayak, etc).  

Cost: $20 for PSKC members (members register here), $35 for non-members (non-members register here). Registration money goes to supplies and food/drink for celebration afterwards. Maestros will be cooking breakfast tacos on a campfire. 

Kayaks/Canoes: bring your own watercraft, wear a life jacket, and follow applicable laws/regulations. No watercraft? You can still join us and do the land only version. 

25 person cap: first come - first served.

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